Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Getting Peoples Attention with Wingdings

I think it is pretty standard procedure to include some sort of starting view in Revit projects that tell users about the project.

Because of this, I also think most people immediately open the view they want, effectively by-passing the start up view.

Here is a way to maybe get them to look at something in the start up view.

In the image above I created a new text type and named it "WINGDINGHAND". I set the font to Wingdings, and the size to 1/2". Then I just typed the letter "F". which is this hand pointing.

Now you really have noticed my important note.

There are a ton of fonts that included more subtle and less subtle objects. Just set one up and make a note that includes the alphabet. Find something you like, and count it off to know what letter of the alphabet it is.

Thanks to Brandon Hanna for this sweet tip.

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