I Know I said I was going to post a parametric how to very next thing, but I wanted to mention that I will be teaching at Autodesk University again this year. If you are coming out to Vegas and you are interested, I will be teaching "A Simple Plan to Implement AutoCAD MEP 2008". I hope meet some of the fine folks that are kind enough to read my ramblings, so don't be afraid to say hi.
See you in Vegas.
Hopefully your class won't conflict with any other class I might need. I could really use this one.
Ken Chenault! The COO of American Express?! This is an honor sir. I hope to see you at AU. If you are just regular Ken Chenault, that's even better. You will probably have better input than the American Express guy. :)
Shackman in action! Should be a good class!
Hey, when are we going to see some material for parametric parts? I've got some q's all stored up and ready to go for it!
~~A fellow Pepper
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