Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Autodesk University 2009

I received confirmation today that I will be teaching Implementing Revit MEP 2010 A to Z at Autodesk University in December. I hope any readers I have can attend. I aways enjoy teaching at AU, and this one should be good.

I am still fleshing things out, but I will be sure to cover everything from setting up line weights and plotting to simple, effective Revit families. The last class I taught for implementing AutoCAD MEP came with an 80 page handout. I'm going to beat that by documenting everything I know on this one. Be sure to start making plans to attend, I'm hoping to see you there.


The CAD Ninja said...

Now if I can just get my employer to pay for my travel expenses because I get in free this year! If they pay for that I will be siging up for your class Todd. I really liked the ACAD MEP course you taught at AU 2007.

Todd M. Shackelford said...


Thanks so much. I really, really appreciate it. I'll try hard to make this one just as good or better. I thinking I need to do an Oprah and give goodies away. Seems to work for her.

Ab said...

Wahoo! I'm signed up for it. :D